MetroReportSM Search
MetroReport Search is an instant interactive search that accesses billions of records in seconds. Find people, property, relatives, and associates and much more, all from a single source source in real-time.
The MetroReport allows you to search a variety of databases that include very detailed information. Some searches allow you to find minimal information about a person or property, and then do a comprehensive search once you are sure you have the right person or property to search. This helps minimize your cost because you limit the searches performed to only those which are valuable to you. The report data sources and robust verified sources offer up to the minute information. MetroReport sorts through billions of records and delivers exactly what you ask for in seconds, not days. Our accuracy and speed is second to none.
Fraud Research/Instant Public Records Search
- Person Search
- Data for 50 States: Returns current address, address history, full DOB, full SSN, SSN validation, SSN state of issue, SSN date of issue, deceased flags, phones. Comprehensive report available after initial search. Results may include flags (no report detail) for possible criminal, civil, sex offender, OFAC and/or arrest warrants, address history, social security validation (state of issue, date of issue, valid, deceased indicator), possible phone numbers, possible email addresses, possible relatives, possible roommates/people at shared addresses.
- Address Search
- Data for 50 States: Returns current address, address history, full DOB, full SSN, SSN validation, SSN state of issue, SSN date of issue, deceased flags, phones. Comprehensive report available after initial search. Results may include flags (no report detail) for possible criminal, civil, sex offender, OFAC and/or arrest warrants, address history, social security validation (state of issue, date of issue, valid, deceased indicator), possible phone numbers, possible email addresses, possible relatives, possible roommates/people at shared addresses.
- SSN Validation
- SSN validation, SSN state of issue, SSN date of issue, death master Index.
- National Criminal Search
- Nationwide coverage as available. All current & historical criminal records available by City, State, County, and National Registry.
- Warrant Search
- National search for people that may have outstanding warrants - a warrant being defined as a court order to have the person(s) delivered to the custody of a court.
- Sex Offender Search
- SSN validation, SSN state of issue, SSN date of issue, death master Index.
- Sex Offender Search
- Sex offender records. All current and historical sex offender records available by city, state, county, and national Registry.
- Eviction Search
- National database of evictions.
- Bankruptcy, Lien, and Judgment Search
- Available pending and historical lien and judgment data.
- Property Search
- Returns owners, parcel identifiers, FIPS codes. Comprehensive Property Report available after initial search, combines property profile, sales history and sales comparables reports into one report.
- OFAC Search
- UCC Search
- Nationwide coverage. Liens against assets of businesses.
- Phone Search
- Returns known phone landline and mobile numbers.
- Elite Phone Search
- Elite phone database containing possible landlines, mobile, unlisted numbers. Search via 10 digit number only.
- Email Search
- Email addresses, database comprised of public domain addresses i.e.: Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, etc. No corporate domains.
This comprehensive list will provide complete searching of many databases to provide you with the most complete data from a single source. The databases are continually being updated to provide the most accurate information available today.